Branding a Revolution in Medicine
JANUARY 5, 2017
It is now possible to monitor the central nervous system during surgery with Revolution Monitoring (IONM). This helps to ensure patient safety as well as provide valuable real-time guidance and feedback to the attending physician. Because of the success of IONM in improving neurosurgical outcomes, Revolution Monitoring is now used for many other types of surgeries as well.
As one doctor put it, “Revolution Monitoring is like my eyes and ears on the inside. They see things change before we can detect them on the outside.”
A certified neurophysiologist (CNIM) from Revolution Monitoring comes into a surgery to monitor your nervous system. They are a tool for the surgeon to know how your nervous system is working. They can detect a possible bad outcome before it happens and recommend intervention to give you (the patient) the best possible outcome. Often times, they can detect complications and repair them before they become a real problem. This reduces the potential for further surgeries. They can let the surgeon know where it is safe to place instruments and make cuts. They also work closely with anesthesiologists to ensure you (the patient) stay asleep and also ensure you do not lose limb function from as a result of the way you are placed on the operating table.
Revolution Monitoring was a startup company when its founder came to us in May 2014. He had the name of his company, a strong vision for positively impacting healthcare, and a sudden need for a logo. “I need to look professional…and fast,” he said.
This is a very regular place for entrepreneurs to start. It’s usually a simple need – like a logo, business card, or website – that propels them either into the very intentional or, more typically, very unintentional process of building a brand.
Unfortunately, haste when building a brand is very ill advised – because you don’t get a second chance to – you know – make a first impression. So often times designers are stuck revising or evolving an existing brand. That could include an unfortunate name, website url, or logo – just to name a few.
Yet, entrepreneurs are good at sensing opportunity and that may or may not include the appropriate amount of time to build a brand. Business is primary, brand is secondary – we get that. And, so, the design process doesn’t always happen in comfortable, inspiring settings. Wouldn’t it be amazing to dream and design a brand over the course of several weeks from your Frank Lloyd Wright summer home or minimalist retreat in Marfa? Those are nice, of course, and perhaps optimal. But, often times, design is just plain hard work on an impossible deadline because you want your clients to be successful.
And it was fortunate that Revolution Monitoring came to us when they did. We were able to help build their brand at the same time they were building their business.
And that brand would soon become very important.
Revolution Monitoring grew quickly in 2015 and 2016. The combination of cutting edge technology and industry-best service meant that doctors wanted them in the room and patients requested their services by name.
We felt their was an opportunity to educate the public directly about what they do. Why couldn’t a high value service provider like Revolution market themselves in the same way that drug companies market their services? In both cases, physicians need to make the actual request, but having patients ask for the product or service by name doesn’t hurt either! If you want proof, just look at Pfizer’s annual marketing budget. Wouldn’t patients want their surgeons to have the absolute best tools when they go into surgery?
Luckily, we had already positioned Revolution Monitoring as a national healthcare brand, so much of the work had already been done by the time we launched an aggressive television campaign. We decided that the best way to communicate Revolution Monitoring’s products and services was through the voice of its partner physicians. We approached highly credible surgeons and asked them to endorse Revolution Monitoring in an advertising campaign. They already loved the service, so it wasn’t a tough sell.
The Revolution Monitoring brand went on to be seen over 30 million times on television in 2016 alone. And the future continues to be bright for this revolutionary brand.
You can learn more about the brand and the service at –